Room and Little Tokyo

Traditional hotel room pictures and walk around little Tokyo

De traditionelle billeder fra hotelværelset og fra en gåtur gennem "lille Tokyo"

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Nice Japanese window blinds

Windows a bit dirty, but at least they can be opened

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Traditional hotel room photo for my kids

Lobby at Kyoto Grand Hotel

Lights in the lobby at Kyoto Grand Hotel

Japanese restaurant

Japanese restaurant

Bento box dinner

The Hello Kitty store

Little Tokyo Mall

Financial buildings

Financial buildings

Near Little Tokyo Mall

Near Little Tokyo Mall

These are towels...

These are towels...

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)